The smart digital platform for all your professional media workflows

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Used by global organizations

RTL logo Talpa logo Fremantle logo Under Armour logo Disney Warner bros logo

MediaLab enables you to quickly distribute and easily review large video files with your team or external stakeholders. Safely store and manage all your media, without limits.

testimonial fremantle

MediaLab has everything I’ve been looking for. It’s extremely user-friendly, intuitive and simple, but very functional at the same time. It literally makes my job easier.

Julita Brutus

Sales & Acquisition Manager, Fremantle Poland
testimonial twdc

MediaLab enables us to distribute digital media assets safely and easily from our own Disney-branded stock media environment. A good collaboration.

Priscilla Ochtman

Publicity Supervisor, Disney

MediaLab for broadcasters and media companies

Tailor-made workflows for managing digital media

Create the perfect media workflow for production and broadcasting

When your show, program or video enters the post-production phase, schedules and projects can be hectic and time-consuming. Especially when it comes to collaborating with your team, freelancers, commissioning editors and dubbing studios. MediaLab keeps your media safe and secure, so nothing will be leaked before the release date.

Blue Circle Logo Endemol shine group logo Endemol shine group logo Medialane logo Studio 100 logo

MediaLab integrates with
your favorite tooling

Filezilla logo Aspera logo Avid logo Signiant logo

Watching, reviewing and approving media

In any collaboration, a clear process is key. This is especially important when creating broadcasting material and video content. MediaLab enables teams to collaborate by reviewing and commenting on media files. This keeps review rounds moving quickly and getting all media material to be broadcast-ready faster.

Combine all your tools the way you like

  • Link your MediaLab environment with other media tools
  • Import media from software such as Avid, Premiere and

Simplify your review process

  • Collaborate by commenting on media files
  • Easy version management
  • Export comments to Avid

Assign roles

  • Data is always safe and secure
  • Only access to those who need it
  • Always collaborating on the right version of the file

MediaLab is specialized in Digital Media Management

Amsterdam-based, European minded. We offer the best software platform for viewing, distributing and storing business media content. MediaLab believes that professional media content deserves to be viewed, distributed and stored on a solid, safe, and easy platform. Simple as that.

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We’d love to hear from you!

At MediaLab, we value a personal touch more than anything: we put innovation and our clients’ needs before anything else. We offer a solution that fits your needs.

Want to get in touch? We’d love to meet you in person and introduce ourselves. Don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email.

+31 20 700 66 88