How do I install and log in to ML Connect?

ML Connect downloads can be found on our downloads page. To verify the integrity of your installation file, see our file integrity page.

Installing ML Connect for macOS

  1. Open the downloaded .dmg file
  2. Move MediaLab to your applications
  3. Right click > Open

Installing ML Connect for Windows

  1. Open the downloaded .exe file (double click)
  2. Click Yes to install
  3. Follow the installation steps

Installing ML Connect for Linux

With .deb and graphical user interface

  1. Go to the downloaded .deb file
  2. Right click > Open With "Software Install"
  3. Click 'Install'

With .deb and command line

  1. Open terminal emulator
  2. Go to the folder that contains the downloaded .deb file
  3. Execute command after checking the version in .deb file
    sudo dpkg --install "medialab-connect_<version>_amd64.deb"

With AppImage and command line

  1. Open terminal emulator
  2. Go to the folder that contains the downloaded .AppImage file
  3. Execute commands after checking the version in .AppImage file
    chmod +x "MediaLab_Connect-<version>.AppImage"

How to log in to your MediaLab account?

  1. In your browser, log in to your Lab and navigate to Profile > API access
  2. Generate a new token
  3. Copy (and save) your token
  4. In the desktop app, enter your Lab url and paste your generated token