MediaLab supports content creators who live and breathe media in the broadest sense. Nowadays, we can’t live without media. They help us to share information and to connect with others. Every day, we get inspired by different content creators. That’s why we proudly sponsor the Special Media Awards, a national ceremony that gives young media makers with a disability the stage.
Special Media Awards
The award show will be held in the Dutch Media Literacy Week (Week van de Mediawijsheid) on Saturday 9 November at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Beeld en Geluid) in Hilversum. With the award show, young people with a disability are encouraged to present their media content to a broader public. This group of young people often do not get the right attention when it comes to social media. With this event, Amerpoort highlights digital inclusion of people with a disability.
An initiative of Amerpoort
Care organization Amerpoort is the initiator of the Special Media Awards and focuses on providing care for disabled people. It’s the mission of Amerpoort to work towards a good life of her clients. The organization offers clients the possibility to participate in daily life to deliver their contribution to society. Amerpoort fulfills this mission by cooperation together with staff members, volunteers, partners, neighbors and institutes.
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